Why is a strong brand important for successful webshop?

Given that customers are increasingly buying online, it is important to know the clues that indicate the unreliability of a webshop. What to look out for and why strong brands do not have this problem?

Author: Mirko Maglica

The most important issue with webshops is the issue of trust. If you haven’t build a strong brand, the customers will look closely for any clue that could indicate a possible insecurity for their wallets.

Let's start with a customer who needs a specific product. Considering the increasing availability of products in webshops, customers willingly decide to buy online. Their purchase is sometimes directed to a specific webshop, but more often it is a process that starts by entering the name of the desired product in the Google search engine.

Now we come to the stage when the customer suddenly raises the level of his attention. Why is that? The reason is more than logical. Namely, the buyer has to choose whom he will give his trust and money to.

Let's look at the specific example of a customer who wants to buy a Nike sneakers. If Nike has its official web-shop in that country, the customer will very likely have high confidence in the seller, because it is a globally known brand. But let's say that the price of sneakers in Nike' s webshop is significantly higher than the prices in other webshops. At that moment, a large part of customers would consider other webshops. If they haven’t bought from these stores already, customers would usually proceed with extra caution. They would look out for any clues that could indicate the unreliability of the seller.

Clues that could indicate the unreliability of the seller:

1. Poor and outdated user interface design,

2. Lack or poor quality of visual identity,

3. Lack of information about the seller,

4. Absence of contact information,

5. Questionable procedure of payment and payment methods,

6. Absence of social media presence of the seller.

These are just some of the clues that customers pay attention to when checking the credibility of webshops. Each of the clues points to the unprofessionalism and questionable trustworthy of the seller. If there are more clues, that will certainly deter a large portion of customers from buying on that webshop. As we said, the most important issue with webshops is the issue of trust.

Then, how to gain customer trust? How to persuade them to buy from us? The answer lies in the the strength of your brand, that is inextricably linked to the level of customer's trust. Let's go back to Nike. Through great products, recognizable visual identity, and consistent communication, Nike has built a position of a global leader.

Although your webshop may not (yet) have a global reach, that doesn't mean you can't follow the same recipe for success. In addition to the technical issues (listed above) that you must pay attention to on your webshop, make sure to build a strong brand that will earn customer's trust. That way, you will dismiss any question about the credibility of your webshop. Furthermore, you will pursue customers to buy from you more easily.