The Difference Between Logo and Visual Identity

The logo is the fundamental identifier of your company or product, but the communication of your brand cannot be reduced to displaying only the logo in every occasion.

Author: Mirko Maglica

Has it ever happened to you that after just a few seconds of looking at an advertisement you recognize which brand it is, even though the logo is not shown. I wouldn't want to deny your magical powers, but you had a little help. This help is called visual identity.

Visual identity is a set of visual elements that serve to represent and differentiate the brand. The logo is its basic element, but not the only one. The four fundamental components of the visual identity are:

1) Logo

The logo is the basis of the visual identity. In order to identify the brand as faithfully as possible, the logo should be appropriate, unique and simple.​​

2) Typography

The choice of typography creates the tone of the brand. When choosing an appropriate typography, we check whether it corresponds to the values of the brand.

3) Colors

The palette contains a set of clearly defined colors that become a recognizable element of the brand through time and consistent use.​​

4) Photos

Brand photos are also an important element of communication. Through examples, we show what should be the style and character of photos in your brand's communication.​​

Is the logo enough for your business, and why pay for the design of the entire visual identity at all? The logo is the fundamental identifier of your company or product, but the communication of your brand cannot be reduced to displaying only the logo in every occasion. Successful communication of your brand requires a whole set of tools. From brand colors, recognizable typography, patterns, certain style of photography, and others.​​

For example, if you arbitrarily choose colors and fonts in your communication, you are preventing customers from remembering you more easily and distinguishing you from your competition. Moreover, communication created in such a way will make customers doubt your level of professionalism and undermine trust in your brand. And trust is the basis of every successful business relationship.​​